
Thursday Mar 14, 2024
Thursday Mar 14, 2024
In part III of our sit-down with dating and relationship coach Steve Dean, we unpack all things non-monogamy. A lot of the tools used in exploring non-monogamy can be used in monogamous relationships as well. Love languages usually evolve, and sometimes new love languages can be experienced through ethical non-monogamy. Steve goes over how to make the initial steps and stresses the benefits of running through hypotheticals, including going as far as having a "practice threesome" with a willing third participant and then re-evaluating his thoughts and feelings with his partner. Lastly, Steve reviews how to recognize bad actors and how to be confident in making certain decisions upon entering into a non-monogamous relationship. For more about Steve Dean's work visit dateworking.com or stevedean.substack.com

Thursday Feb 22, 2024
Thursday Feb 22, 2024
In part II of our conversation with date coach and dating industry consultant Steve Dean, we get back to the basics of dating advice for both online and offline (IRL) dating. How do you open up conversations? How do you get a second date? What are some creative first date ideas? These are gender neutral ideas for both monogamous and non-monogamous humans. In the second half, we discuss A.I. (artificial intelligence) dating profiles, adult performer A.I. profiles (OnlyFans, etc), as well as the pros and cons to having an A.I. therapist. For more about Steve Dean visit dateworking.com

Thursday Feb 08, 2024
Thursday Feb 08, 2024
You're not crazy, dating apps suck now, and date coach and dating industry consultant Steve Dean breaks down why. Steve takes Chelsea Bee down a wild rabbit hole of updated information on the world of dating apps. Steve's main assessment is that Tinder had a fantastic opportunity to lead the dating industry until they stopped prioritizing compatibility and replaced the industry model with the most basic forms of swipe-based attraction leading to less compatibility and more time to spend money on the app. It's not just you, dating apps made dating MORE difficult since their peak in 2014. Also discussed are fake profiles, the future of dating and AI, non-monogamy, and tips for people trying to date both online and offline. Learn more about Steve Dean at dateworking.com.

Friday Jan 26, 2024
Friday Jan 26, 2024
Comedian David Piccolomini (Instagram @dpiccomedy) and actor/model Emily Battles (Instagram @embattz) discuss how polyamory has influenced their art, writing, and performance style. Also discussed is the world of LARPing (Live Action Role Play) also known as "gateway poly." Why is it that so many "nerds" transition into ethical non-monogamy as adults? Or is there more to it? Emily echoes David's religious origin story and awkward adolescence and dives into how she was a late bloomer that had to make up for a ton of lost time. What advice do they have for newcomers to non-monogamy? And as always, leave your comments or messages so that we can answer them on our next show.

Friday Jan 12, 2024
Friday Jan 12, 2024
Chelsea leads the discussion about how being kinky in front of the camera shapes your personal life behind the camera. When did we learn we weren't meant for monogamy and how have we applied our preferences to our personal and professional lives? Also discussed is the BDSM test (bdsmtest.org) and what some of the labels mean.
Guests include:
Jonnyizz, Producer "The Ugly Couch" ( YouTube @TheUglyCouch. )
Nova Rae
Heath Avery

Wednesday Oct 25, 2023
Wednesday Oct 25, 2023
Chelsea and Matt unpack what it means to be non-monogamous and how this has been a long journey for the both of them. Alongside the many instances of trial-and-error, they have encountered fear and vulnerability, but with self-care and a lot of communication, they’ve been able to walk down a new and exciting path in life together. During their discussion they take questions live from their OnlyFans stream - questions mostly about the work it took to become non-monogamous and how they could apply it to their own current situation(s).

Wednesday Oct 18, 2023
Wednesday Oct 18, 2023
Heath Avery and Uptown Bunny discuss the nuances of their poly lifestyle and balancing it with content creation. They also talk about what kind of saucy scenes they want to do next, both as a couple and separately. They also ask Chelsea what podcasting means to her, and how it helps her in laying a good foundation with another scene partner before filming adult content.

Saturday Sep 30, 2023
Saturday Sep 30, 2023
Chelsea talks about how she fast-tracked from dating exclusively monogamous women for ten years, to suddenly being in an open relationship with a man and creating adult content. She tells the story about how her ex hated that she was also attracted to men, and said "Maybe you want to be non-monogamous..." as an insult, only to realize months later that that's exactly what Chelsea wanted.

Thursday Sep 07, 2023
Thursday Sep 07, 2023
Kaiden tells the story about the time he first became an adult content creator when he was called by a friend and asked to "tap in" last minute to perform in an adult scene with his friend's wife - and his life hasn't been the same since. He also has a few words for other men reaching out to models for a "collab". They also discuss whether race should be a factor in determining your sexual/romantic type.

Sunday Sep 03, 2023
Sunday Sep 03, 2023
John Gordone (Twitter: @JohnGordoneNYC) flips the script and interviews Chelsea. What has it been like working as an adult content creator for an entire year? How has she managed balancing her NYC day job? How has it been balancing her personal life behind the camera? They dig into the highs, the lows, and where OnlyFans is going in the post-COVID world with a CEO that makes $338 million dollars in bonuses.

The Birds & the Bee
Chelsea Bee talks with fellow adult content creators, poly folk, kinksters, swingers, and all the lovely humans in-between to discuss the world of personal & sexual relationships, adult content, and advice.